Join us for the NeuroNet 2025 Annual Summit on January 30th in Nashville!

David Evans


David Evans is the Chief Executive Officer of Texas Neurology in Dallas, Texas. He also serves as Chair of the American Academy of Neurology’s Health Policy Subcommittee and as Chair of the AAN’s Brain Health Committee, as well as a Member of the AAN’s Advocacy Committee and the AAN’s Industry Relations Committee. He is immediate Past-Chair of the AAN’s Practice Management & Technology Subcommittee and Past Chair of the BRAINS section of the American Academy of Neurology. He also served as a member of the AAN’s Medical Economics & Management Committee, member of the BrainPAC Executive Committee, and Chair of the AAN’s Neurology Compensation and Productivity Survey. Mr. Evans is also a co-founder and CEO of NeuroNet GPO and a recipient of the AAN’s President’s Award.